domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

Sociales Integradas y H2O

Acueducto de Bogota

1. Que dificultades afrontaron los primeros habitantes de Bogota para proveerse de agua?

 Las dificultades que afrontaron fueron que muchas personas tenian que recorrer largas distancias para poder recojer agua.

2. Como fueron los primeros acueductos?

  Los primeros acueductos no tuvieron ninguna intercalacion entre ellos. Todo dependia de tanques ubicados en las partes altas de la ciudad cercanos a una quebrada de la cual tomaban agua y la almacenaban.

3. Que mecanismos se utilizaron para la produccion de agua en Bogota hacia el siglo XIX?

Los mecanismos fueron: 

- La concesion por parte de la ciudad en 1886
- Tuberia de hierro en la ciudad
- Se construyeron tanques en las zonas altas de la ciudad
- Se adopto el primer proceso de modernizacion en el tratamiento del agua
- Desinfeccion del agua por medio del cloro.

4. Que eran las "mercedes de agua" y a quienes se concedian?

Las mercedes de agua eran segun el articulo 38 del codigo de aguas es un decreto y se pueden conceder tanto individuos particulares como las municipalidades.

 Acueducto de Cali

 1. Elaborar una linea del tiempo con la reseña historica del acueducto de cali       

2. Explique en que circunstancias se conformo la junta constructora del acueducto.

En 1903 se construyeron las pilas de "Buenaventura" y la pila "Gonzales" para solucionar la escasez de agua de los barrios San Nicolas y el Calvario. En ese mismo año un tramo del control principal que partia de la bocatoma se derrumbo en la pendiente que caia al "Charco del Burro" y debido a la escasez de los recursos del municipio se hizo ebidente la necesidad de construir un acueducto metalico.

En 1912 se aprovo un acuerdo, el numero 7 el cual ordeno un acueducto metalico a presion con base en los estudios elaborados por la empresa del ferrocarril del pacifico se creo la junta constructora integrada por Mario de Caicedo, Alejandro Garces patiño, y Roberto Price.

3. Cuando y porque se instalaron los medidores de agua?   

En 1942 se presentó una crisis de abastecimiento que desembocó en medidas para el control del consumo y dió origen a la instalación de medidores.

Mapa conceptual: Agua: un mensaje infantil para los gobiernos

Agua: un mensaje infantil para los gobiernos

Cada dia mueren en el mundo 4.500 niños y niñas en el mundo por falta de agua potable. Los niños son los mas afectados por la crisis del agua. Los niños son muy afectados por la falta de agua potable ya que puede llevar de 4.000 millones de casos de diarrea Hasta el borde de la muerte. Tambien los mas afectados son los pobres. Un niño nacido en Estados Unidos tiene 520 menos probabilidades de morir de una enfermedad diarreica  que un recien nacido de Africa subsahariana, donde apenas 36 por cientode la poblacion tiene acceso al saneamiento. Hay mas de 220 millones de niños y niñas enfermos por parasitos intestinales, lo que les impide crecer adecuadamente y asistir al colegio con regularidad.

Las mujeres y los menores de edad de los paises mas pobres, caminan un promedio diario de 6 kilometros para llevar 20 litros de agua a sus hogares. La niñez puede ayudar a  resolver la crisis del agua enseñandole a los adultos como utilizar adecuadamente el agua y ellos tambien aprender a utilizarla adecuadamente.

My autobiography

My name is Josué Nicolás Díaz and I was born in Bogota. I was born in May 21 1998 in the Magdalena clinic. My parents were very happy and my grandfather and my grandmother too, especially my grandfather. My grandfather heard my crying by the phone. My grandfather was so happy that when he saw me in the airport for the first time he took me with him and my parents were scared. But they figure out that I was with my grandfather. That was a very happy time for my grandfather.
  At the age of six I was living in Buga in a school called Mis Años Maravillosos. One day I was playing tag and I was running very fast. I was going to a slide but I didn’t notice it because I was looking back. When I moved my head to the front I crashed with the slide. I crashed so hard that I cut my head. I was crying and crying and then my teachers took me to a hospital. There they put me 12 stitches and I was absent 2 days or more. I got another cut in a club. I was in the pool and I was going to get my things to change I was running to the bathroom and the floor was slippery. I slid and crashed with the glass. They took me to the nurse in that club and there they put me 6 stitches.
  One problem that I had was that I lived in Buga and my father needed to work in Cali. The problem was that my father worked very much and for that reason he went to Cali and rented an apartment. I didn’t see him so much and I was sad. My mom was also sad and both wanted my dad to come. Finally he came more often.
  My mom was pregnant of my sister Nicole in Buga. My sister was born in June 20 of 2005. I was very happy because she was my first sister. She was little and beautiful. I loved her very much. Then my sister Maria Jose was born in March 27 2007 also I was very happy with her. And I also loved her very much. They were so little and I was so big for them.
  I loved my sisters but for many years I didn’t had one. When Nicole was born I didn’t know how was to have a sister and the two need to take my things. First I was mad but then I understood they were babies and I had to share my things with them. In other words I learned to be the big brother.
  My favorite trip was going to San Andres. This trip was in the vacations of Christmas of 2009. That trip was awesome. This trip was the first time I saw the sea. I was super happy. The sea was awesome. One day I dive and I could see fishes underwater and also I taste and discover how was the salt water in the ocean. That was really my favorite trip.
  Before the vacations of San Andres, I entered to Bennett school. It was cool but when I entered I was nervous. I entered in 5th grade. Then when the time passed I make friends and I was happy in Bennett school.

Water resources

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010


Use the information you have found in the experience, and calculate the amount of water that is being spent with those activities.

1. How much water do you spend in one day? Write in liters and gallons.

I spend in all my house, in one day 572999.96 ml so that would be 572.999 liters that is equal to 151.370 gallons.

I did it by:

Bath: 60499.98  ml
Teeth: 26499.999  ml
Toilet: 240000  ml
Hands: 20999.999  ml
Dishes: 225000  ml

All this answers I add them and give me 572999.96 ml so in liters it should be 572.999 liters and in gallons 151.370 gallons

2. How much water do you spend in one month? Write in liters and gallons.

In one month I spend 17189998 ml and that would be 17189.97 liters and it is equal to 4541.1 gallons in my house.

I did it by multiplying the number of ml, liters, and gallons (question # 1) per day and then I multiply it by 30 that is the number of days that a month has. And that gave me the answer.

Conclude: Take a look at the general consumption of water in the energy-water bill that your family recieves on a monthly basis. Compare it with the consubtion of a single person in just the activities that you investigated.

In this month I spend in my family 999 cubic meters. So that would be aproximadately 166.5 cubic meters for each person in a month. In my investigation one person  spend aproximadately 756.85 gallons so that would be  2.86498 m³ for one person in one month.


domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010


1. To perform the measuring, use a container that shows the volume it can hold and put it in the sink. Let the water flow directly to the container for thirty seconds. observe the quantity of water and multiply it by two. the result would be the water flow spent every minute.

I did it and the answer was: 2500ml by 2 = 5000ml

A) What is the measure of the water flow?
continue your experience in the bathroom, which is the responsible for 65%-70% of the spending of the water our homes.   

B) How much time do you spend while taking a shower?

I spent two minutes and fifty seconds taking a shower.

C) How many times a day you do that? 

I take a shower once a day, but sometimes 2, but mostly 1.

D) How many times in a week do you take a shower?

Approximately I take a shower 9 times in a week.

E) Propose two word problems. 


If in one minute I spent 5000 ml and I spent 15 minutes washing the dishes how many cubic meters I would spent in 1 day?

-   If I spent 20 cubic meters of water in one month, how many cubic meters I would spend in one day.
5000 multiply it by 15 = 75000 by 3= 225000ml . That would be 0.225 cubic meters.
- 20/30 = 0.6666666 cubic meters so that would be 666666.6 ml

2. In the bathroom, using the toilet is an activity that consumes a lot of water. Every time we flush the toilet we spend between 10 and 15 liters, depending on the capacity of the instrument. Think about the "flushing frequency " along one day.  

A)  How many times do you flush the toilet in 24 hours?

In my whole family that are 6 we flush the toilet approximately in one day 40 times.

B) How long does it take to brush your teeth? How much water you spend?

 To brush my teeth I take 53 seconds and if in one minute  I spend 5000ml I have to divide that by 60 and it would give me 83.333333ml per second so we multiply that by 53 and it would give me 4416.6666 ml. That much water I spent washing my teeth.

C) How many times a day you brush your teeth? 

  In one day I brush my teeth 3 times, in the morning, the afternoon, and night. 

D) How long does it take to wash your hands? How much water you spend?

  To wash my hands it takes me 42 seconds. To see the amount of water we multiply 83.333333 by 42 because 83.333333 is the amount of ml in one second. It would give us 3499.9999 ml. That is the answer of how much water I spend. 

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010

Images of volume and capacity

This is a container that the capacity are 2 liters.

This is a container that the capacity are 8 ounces.

This is a container that the capacity are 3500 mililiters.

In all of this containers we are representing the capacity as water and the volume as the jar and the glass.

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Cubic Units chart

To see the whole image click on it.

Volume and Capacity comparative chart


Hi my name is Josue Nicolas Díaz and I am going to tell you of what would be about this blog, in this blog we are going to learn to keep the water that is our water, save it and to learn to conserve the water. Water needs a use of math because when you are going to measure water you measure it in cubic millimeters, cubic centimeters, cubic decimeters, and also cubic meters. That is why we also are going to talk about all that things of math. I hope you like this blog, that you enjoy it, but the most important is that you learn a lot.